
Street Fashion #1: A Little Bit of Zara and Urban Outfitters Can Go A Long Way


Hi! I'm back!
I've always wanted to somehow start blogging about the girls (guys too!) I see around town everyday working their cute outfits. Basically I've always wanted to blog about street fashion. And besides, I think there is something so cool about walking up to a person and telling them they look great, asking them what they're wearing, and telling them they should let me take a picture of them haha. 
Like I've said before, I love connecting with people and that's what its all about.

Today is my first of the many street fashion posts I will be doing here on my blog. Because I think this is finally something I've always wanted to do but never had the guts to actually do it. And now I've decided to do it out of no where, mostly inspired by the cute girl below and her adorable outfit.

Without further ado! 
My first feature was VERY spontaneous. I had just gotten off of work, decided to take some shots of the city for practice and I literally almost bumped into this girl. 

But anyways, she is wearing a mixture of Zara and Urban Outfitters and what a mix. She's so adorable. She looks like she just stepped out of a doll house. The weird pineapple print on her dress + the hot pink sweater + her awesome hair color = work it gurl!

My shots don't even do her cute outfit any justice. I forgot to snap her snazzy boots which I think were from Zara. I even forgot to get her name!! 

However, it was SO spontaneous that I won't beat myself up over it.
I'll do better as I get use to asking people to let me snap shots of them. I was so loopy that she asked what the name of my blog was and I almost forgot. Oops.

Let me guys know what you think of her outfit!

Thanks for reading!
See you guys next time!
Sincerely, Koko

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  1. This is a great first street fashion photograph! You go girl, continue to do what you love! Street photography is such a great way to interact with people, I'm currently doing Photography as one of my subject and our current project is all about putting ourselves out there and asking people to take their picture.

    All in all, she's super cute and so is her outfit, perfect for summer!


    1. Thank you so much! Its definitely a good way to put yourself out there and connect with people. She was really enthusiastic about the whole thing too.

  2. I really like the dress on you.Amazing post & would you
    like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme
    know & please keep in touch!


    1. I love your blog! I would love to follow you on bloglovin hon!

  3. Lovely outfit, I actually have a top version of what she is wearing

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